編號 |
類別 |
中文 |
英文 |
521 |
林學詞彙 |
栽植距離 |
planting space; planting distance; spacing of plants; espacement |
522 |
森林產業 |
種苗認證 |
planting stock certification |
523 |
林學詞彙 |
造林 |
planting; afforestation; forestation |
524 |
林學詞彙 |
造林 |
planting; afforestation; forestation |
525 |
林學詞彙 |
栽植 |
planting; plantation |
526 |
育樂場域設施 |
月台 |
Platform |
527 |
牌誌說明 |
請確認車票日期車次 |
Please check departure date and train number stated on the ticket. |
528 |
牌誌說明宣導事項 |
請愛惜公物 |
Please Cherish Public Facilities |
529 |
牌誌說明宣導事項 |
請勿攜帶寵物入園、餵食野生動物、放生、焚燒金紙 |
Please do not bring pets into the park, feed wild animals, release wild animals, or burn joss paper. |
530 |
牌誌說明宣導事項 |
請勿播放鳥音,以免造成鳥類領域行為改變 |
Please do not broadcast bird sounds to avoid changing the birds’ territorial behavior. |
531 |
牌誌說明宣導事項 |
請勿露營、夜宿車內、野炊及吸菸 |
Please do not camp, sleep in your car, cook, or smoke. |
532 |
牌誌說明宣導事項 |
請勿攀折花木、樹葉或刻劃樹木 |
Please do not climb trees, collect leaves or flowers, or carve on trees. |
533 |
牌誌說明 |
請用欣賞、體驗與觀察代替採集、破壞、刻字、污染及捕獵。 |
Please enjoy, experience, and observe the forest instead of collecting, destroying, leaving graffiti, polluting, or hunting. |
534 |
牌誌說明 |
請禮讓老弱、行動不便者優先購票 |
Please make way for the elderly and the disabled. |
535 |
牌誌說明 |
敬請購票上車 |
Please purchase a ticket before boarding. |
536 |
牌誌說明警告標示 |
入內請脫蛙 |
Please Remove Shoes upon Entering |
537 |
牌誌說明公告事項 |
請帶著尊重自然的心,來鑑賞園區內動物、植物、地質、地形與氣象等自然生態之美。 |
Please respect nature as you enjoy the area's animals, plants, geology, topography, climate, and other ecological beauties. |
538 |
牌誌說明警告標示 |
請勿離開步道範圍 |
Please Stay on the Trail |
539 |
牌誌說明宣導事項 |
非步道路徑,請勿貿然進入 |
Please Stay on the Trail. |
540 |
牌誌說明宣導事項 |
請將垃圾自行帶回或投入分類垃圾箱 |
Please take your garbage with you or deposit it in sorting bins. |