編號 |
類別 |
中文 |
英文 |
761 |
林學詞彙 |
下層林 |
understory; underwood; undergrowth |
762 |
林學詞彙 |
下層植生 |
understory; underwood; undergrowth |
763 |
林學詞彙 |
異齡林 |
uneven-aged stand |
764 |
林學詞彙 |
異齡林分 |
uneven-aged stand |
765 |
林學詞彙 |
大面積傘伐作業 |
uniform shelterwood system |
766 |
綜合業務 |
聯合國氣候變化綱要公約 |
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) |
767 |
林學詞彙 |
利用 |
utilization |
768 |
集水區治理 |
崩塌地植生工程 |
vegetation engineering of landslide in appropriate locations |
769 |
保育管理 |
植群圖 |
Vegetation Map |
770 |
育樂場域設施 |
車道 |
Vehicle Lane |
771 |
牌誌說明警告標示 |
非住客車輛請勿進入 |
Vehicles of Overnight Guest Only |
772 |
育樂場域設施 |
遊客中心 |
Visitor Center |
773 |
育樂場域設施 |
遊客諮詢站 |
Visitor Information Center |
774 |
牌誌說明 |
攜帶寵物犬、貓及其他哺乳類動物入園之遊客,入園前應填妥寵物犬、貓及其他哺乳類動物入園切結書。 |
Visitors bringing pet dogs, cats, or other mammals must sign an area admission affidavit form prior to taking them into the recreation area. |
775 |
牌誌說明 |
入園需攜帶寵物有效之寵物登記證明(證明書或掃晶片)、狂犬病預防注射證明文件(證明書或頸牌),若未有相關文件,則需將寵物寄放於收費站、管制站等處並簽立寄放切結書後,始得入園(寄放僅限當日營業時間。 |
Visitors bringing pets into the area must produce proof of pet registration (certificate or chip scan) and proof of rabies vaccination (certificate or collar tag). If such proof is unavailable, pets must be left at the ticketing booth or management office and a pet-leaving affidavit must be signed. |
776 |
牌誌說明 |
徒步健行與單車旅行最有益健康,亦可充分享受大自然。 |
Walking and bicycling are the healthiest ways to travel, and they allow the greatest enjoyment of nature as well. |
777 |
牌誌說明公告事項 |
警告級 謹慎使用火源 |
Warning: Use Fire with Extreme Caution |
778 |
牌誌說明警告標示 |
熊出沒 請注意 |
Watch Out for Bears |
779 |
牌誌說明警告標示 |
鳥類出沒 小心行駛 |
Watch Out for Birds. Drive Slowly |
780 |
牌誌說明警告標示 |
小心倒木 |
Watch Out for Fallen Trees |