
編號 中文 英文
61 保育軸帶 conservation corridors
62 強勢外來入侵種移除防治及復育計畫 Control, Removal, and Restoration Project for Aggressive Invasive Species
63 瀕臨絕種野生動植物國際貿易公約(華盛頓公約,簡稱CITES) Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora
64 萌芽林 coppice forest; sprout forest; low forest; coppice with standards
65 萌芽 coppice shoot; sprout
66 萌條 coppice shoot; sprout
67 中林 coppice with standards
68 中林作業 coppice with standards system; composite forest system; storied coppice system
69 矮林保殘作業法 coppice with standards system; composite forest system; storied coppice system
70 矮林 coppice with standards; copse; scrub (stand)
71 小面積林叢 copse
72 灌叢 copse; thicket; scrub (stand)
73 海岸山脈臺東蘇鐵自然保護區 Costal Range Taitung Cycas Forest Reserve
74 林冠密度 crown closure; crown cover
75 樹冠鬱閉度 crown closure; crown cover
76 去皮材積 cubic meter under bark
77 收穫實材積 cubic meter under bark
78 文化資產保存法 Cultural Heritage Preservation Act
79 大肚溪口野生動物重要棲息環境 Dadu River Mouth Major Wildlife Habitat
80 大肚溪口野生動物保護區 Dadu River Mouth Wildlife Refuge
目前總筆數:530  目前所在頁數:4/27
瀏覽人次:38536 最後更新日期:2020-03-30